主页 > imtoken钱包网址 > 党的十八大以来,矿产资源开发必须坚持走绿色发展和生态文明建设的道路


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2007年9月27日,云南智顺工贸有限公司(以下简称智顺公司)与市国土资源局晋宁分局签署《矿业权拍卖(挂牌)交易确认书》函第200709009号“”;2007年9月27日,致顺公司与市国土资源局晋宁分局签订了《矿山地质环境保护与修复管理责任书》;2007年9月30日,致顺公司公司与市国土资源局晋宁分局签订 分局签订合同编号200709009的《采矿权出让合同》,合同规定可采储量46.866万吨,出让服务工期9.4年,矿山生产规模5万吨/年。根据上述合同约定矿山政策性关停,市国土资源局晋宁分局ces向致顺公司收取采矿权价款47.2万元,支付矿产资源使用费23.433万元。合同履行期间,智顺公司按合同约定一次性支付了47.20000元的采矿权款,并先后支付了矿产资源补偿费共计20278元。 2011年6月17日,致顺公司领取《采矿许可证》,有效期为2011年6月17日至2012年9月29日。在2012年7月许可证有效期届满前,致顺公司申请续展登记,但因涉案矿区属于水源保护区,晋宁分公司未办理矿权续展登记手续,提前终止合同履行。不予延期注册。致顺公司遂诉晋宁分公司要求退还采矿权价款。



关于争议焦点之二,根据云政发[2008]241号《云南省探矿权、采矿权管理办法》第四十七条(三)和《矿产有偿使用云南省资源”根据《收费使用办法》第二条、第十条的规定,结合金国土自工[2014]37号,《金宁县国土资源局关于退还采矿权的申请》 ——晋宁县双河乡里西里沙场有关费用”、晋政复[2014]167号《晋宁县人民政府关于砂石矿采矿权有关事项的批复》,晋宁分局市国土资源局在文件中确定致顺公司未使用的剩余储量,已缴的矿产资源使用费予以退还,故致顺公司要求退还已缴矿产资源使用费的权利d 得到支持。




本案发生在2017年矿产资源特许权使用费制度改革之前。改革后,采矿权价格改为采矿权出让收益。其中,采矿权出让收入是从采矿权价格调整而来,但两者仍存在差异。例如,采矿权价款是以国家出资勘查、发现矿地为前提的,采矿权出让所得不具备此前提;采矿权价格对鼓励勘探矿产和紧缺矿产有减免政策,对采矿权出让收入无减免政策;收入只是金钱的形式。鉴于采矿权价格与采矿权出让收益的概念和政策具有连续性,司法实践中因政策性关闭矿山引起的退赔争议标的仍涉及采矿权价格。 ,本案裁判规则的解释仍表述为采矿权。价格。

2019年,国家取消矿山地质环境治理恢复保证金,改为矿山地质环境治理恢复基金。治理恢复基金。该基金由采矿权人(矿山企业)独立使用,专门用于防治地面沉降、地裂缝、塌方、滑坡、泥石流、地形景观破坏、地下水含水层破坏、地表植被破坏等。通过矿产资源勘探和采矿活动。矿山企业按照企业会计准则的有关规定,承担矿山地质环境治理与修复的预计处置费用,并按照预计开采年限计入相关资产的入账成本。 每年计提并摊销,摊销后的金额计入当年生产成本。









2017年7月5日,国土资源部印发《自然保护区采矿权清理工作方案》,决定开展各保护区采矿权清理工作。 ,对本行政区域内各保护区矿产资源勘查、开采范围内的采矿权进行全面调查、分类、系统分析。同年,中共中央、国务院印发关于甘肃祁连山国家级自然保护区非法开采矿产资源等生态环境破坏突出问题的通知。至此,党中央关于全面撤出自然保护区的政策方向已经十分明确。采矿活动不能踩到自然保护区的“红线”。


已经在自然保护区内“踩红线”的矿业公司必须清理退出,这是典型的政策性关闭矿山。现行矿产资源法律制度尚未正式解释政策性关闭矿山的含义。从行业背景来看,政策性关闭矿山可以理解为地方政策根据有效政策强制关闭矿山企业、吊销采矿权证的情况。在公共管理层面,政策性关闭矿山是行政机关履行公共管理职能的行为和结果;在法律层面,政策性关闭矿山是客观事实,引发矿业权与矿产资源管理部门法律关系发生变化。矿业企业被政策关闭后,矿业权人与自然资源管理部门签订的矿业权出让协议提前终止。双方应根据合同或法律规定的风险分担原则和权利义务的边界条件,计算双方的损失,确定赔偿金额。 .


1. 应当对签订采矿权转让协议的自然资源管理部门提起行政诉讼。 《最高人民法院关于审理行政协议案件若干问题的规定》(发市[2019]17号)第二条规定,“公民、法人或者其他组织就行政协议案件提起行政诉讼的,行政协议后,人民法院应当依法受理……(三)采矿权等国有自然资源使用权转让协议……”

2. 政策性关闭矿场不是不可抗力,当然也不是“情势变迁”,矿权人需要合理分担风险。最高人民法院二审淮北矿业(集团)有限公司与新光集团有限公司股权转让纠纷民事判决书[(2018)最高法民中第. 387]],被告新光集团收购金石公司股权,但此后金石公司因政策原因被关闭,新光集团推迟支付股权收购资金。从事煤矿经营的企业,应了解经营煤矿的商业风险,其提出的国家化解煤炭行业产能过剩政策的变化不属于《股权转让协议》的履行过程事件中发生的不可预见情况并非不可抗力,而是新光集团收购金石公司股权后经营过程中的经营风险。”


采矿权价款支付时间在《关于探矿权管理和采矿权价款收益管理有关事项的通知》(财建[2006]394号)发布前的,原则上由工信部国土资源部直接收取采矿权价款,采矿权人应当根据省级主管部门公布的封闭矿山名称和资源储量向国土资源部提出建议。土地资源、矿业权撤销情况及时间、关闭前使用的资源储量、关闭后的剩余储量、支付的价款等。申请退库,国土部资源部向财政部提出退库申请。有当地政府直接征收的采矿权价款的,退还办法由省级财政和国土资源主管部门确定。在财建[2006]394号公布后支付的,采矿权人应当向国土资源主管部门提出退还采矿权价款的申请。 、矿权撤销及时间、关闭前已使用的资源储量、关闭后的剩余储量、支付的价款金额等,各省财政部门、国土资源主管部门负责对省(区、市)所有退税申请进行审核和汇总。 属于中央股份的采矿权价款,退还当地财政部驻外公署。专员办审查完毕后,向省级财政部门和国土资源主管部门出具审查意见,并办理当地退出程序。地方分工按照当地政策进行。

4. 非政策性关闭也可以申请退还采矿权价格。有人认为,财建[2016]110号文只规定了矿产资源开发整合过程中的政策性关停。因安全生产事故停工的,不适用本规定,采矿权申请人不得要求退还采矿权价款。 在我看来,这种观点是值得商榷的。陈平案与湖南省国土资源厅、张家界市国土资源局、慈利县国土资源局二审行政裁定书[(2017)向01兴中号. 162])、原告陈平 慈利县麦湾煤矿承包商,2010年1月22日,慈利县麦湾煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸,造成4死5伤。万煤矿《1.22》《较大瓦斯爆炸事故调查报告》、“建议请求慈利县人民政府依法关闭麦湾煤矿。 3月30日,慈利县人民政府作出《关于关闭慈利县三河口乡麦湾煤矿的决定》。对一起安全生产事故,慈利县人民政府拒绝退还采矿权价款,法院认为,现行《中国人民政府》《中华民国安全生产法》中没有规定生产者可以违反安全生产行为的,没收其合法财产。实际上,没收采矿权人的合法财产是一种行政处罚。因此,地方政府不采取措施的行为没有法律依据。退还采矿权价款。已支付的采矿权价款予以退还。”

5.申请直接损失赔偿。 2017年,国土资源部办公厅印发《关于征求自然保护区采矿权分类处置工作指导意见的意见书》,明确建立自然保护区采矿权退出机制以扣除、回避、整体注销等方式处置的,结合矿山环境恢复、主地复垦等法律义务的履行情况和勘查投资情况,给予适当补偿。 ,矿山建设投资和已支付的开采区采矿权价款。 .


《条例》第十五条要求:“法律、法规、规章或者规范性文件未规定变更或者撤销行政许可的赔偿标准的,一般在实际损失范围内确定赔偿数额:行政属于《行政许可法》第十二条(二))的,一般应根据实际投资损失确定赔偿金额。” 《行政许可法》第十二条(二)):“可以设置下列行政许可事项……(二)有限自然资源的开发利用、公共资源的配置、与公共利益直接相关的特定行业的市场准入等,需要特定权利的事项。”因此,该政策关闭。矿山损失可根据实际投入确定,行政补偿不得超过最多损失实际输入。

6. 可以对赔偿金额提起行政诉讼。 《最高人民法院关于审理行政许可案件若干问题的规定》第十四条:“行政机关依照行政许可法第八条第二款的规定变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可。公民、法人或者其他组织仅请求行政许可,需要赔偿的,应当先向行政机关提出申请;行政机关在法定或者合理期限内不予答复或者对作出的赔偿决定不服的行政机关可以依法提起行政诉讼。”值得注意的是,在行政赔偿方面,在赔偿案件中,原告对被告造成的损害不能提供证据的,由被告承担损害的举证责任。




根据《环境保护法》第六条和《矿产资源法实施细则》第三十二条,保护环境是采矿权人的义务。作为矿山的实际经营者,应当承担保护矿山及周边地区生态环境的义务。采矿权存续期内,封闭矿山仍有未开采矿产资源的,采矿权人应当采取措施,使矿产资源处于可开采状态,并必须做好环境保护工作。 采矿权人已进行环境修复治理工作的,经行政机关受理后,可以按治理程度退还保证金;不足部分仍需继续承担治理责任。


现行规定未明确采矿权人在采矿权出让合同提前终止时要求退还采矿权价款的,前提是履行环境修复治理义务。支付价款的权利免除其恢复和管理矿山环境的义务。 In 2019, the "Letter of the General Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the Work Related to the Policy-based Closure of Mines and Mining Licenses" (Nan Zi Ban Letter [2019] No. 1574) clarified that the local people's governments (or departments) at or above the county level shall close the mines. When withdrawing from the decision, it is necessary to clarify the subject responsible for the implementation of legal obligations such as relevant ecological restoration after the mine is closed. If the subject of responsibility is not clear, the local people's government shall be responsible for the remaining issues such as the ecological restoration of the mine. If it is clear that the responsibility for ecological restoration is still performed by the original enterprise, the local people's government (or relevant departments) should limit the responsible subject to complete the restoration task within a certain period of time.

Risk Alert

According to the current laws and regulations, the mining right price is the price formed by the state-funded exploration confirmed by the appraisal. The mining right holder shall pay the mining right price to the state. The price reflects the value of mineral resources and national exploration investment and income. If, during the duration of the mining right, if there is a closure of the mine that requires an early termination of the assignment contract, and the price of the mining right paid by the mining right holder has not fully realized the consideration, whether to refund, the amount returned and the compensation other than the price of the mining right shall be handled by both parties The core issue of contract termination. In order to prevent disputes caused by unclear agreements, lawyers suggest:

1. Enterprises will verify their own mining rights, and if there is a possibility of overlapping in nature reserves, they will make prudent decisions about the initial investment and degree of participation.

2.The natural resource administrative department and the mining right holder shall specify the calculation standard of the mining right price in the mining right assignment contract. For those who only perform partial mining activities, the corresponding mining right price can be quantified.

3. It is clearly stipulated that the consequences of early termination of the contract will be dealt with, especially whether the price of mining rights can be refunded, whether environmental restoration and governance work is a precondition for refunding the price of mining rights, and how much to be refunded.

4. When a mine is closed due to policy, compensatory issues such as the company's initial investment and expected losses after closure should be detailed in the contract, and the applicable standards should be agreed.

5.We attach great importance to the individual agreement of the mining rights assignment contract, and the core terms and local policies can be detailed in the contract.


"Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" (revised on April 24, 2014)

Article 6 All units and individuals have the obligation to protect the environment.

Local people's governments at all levels shall be responsible for the environmental quality of their administrative regions.

Enterprises, institutions and other producers and operators shall prevent and reduce environmental pollution and ecological damage, and shall be liable for the damages caused in accordance with the law.

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China (March 26, 1994)

Article 32 If the mining right holder closes the mine and the mineral resources have not been exhausted when the mining license expires or within the validity period, he must take measures to keep the resources in a state where they can continue to be mined, and complete the following tasks in advance :

(一) Prepare a report on the status of mining and the actual measurement map;

(二)Reimbursement of consumed reserves in accordance with relevant regulations;

(三)According to the original design, complete the corresponding labor safety, soil and water conservation, land reclamation and environmental protection work, or pay the relevant fees for land reclamation and environmental protection.

The application of the mining right holder to suspend the operation of the mine must be approved by the competent authority that originally approved the operation of the mine, and only after the approval of the authority that originally issued the mining license can go through the relevant license and license cancellation procedures.

"Administrative Measures for the Registration of Mineral Resources Mining" (revised on July 29, 2014)

Article 6 The registration management authority shall, within 40 days from the date of receipt of the application, make a decision to approve or disapprove the registration, and notify the applicant of the mining right.

If the applicant for the mining right needs to revise or supplement the materials specified in Article 5 of these Measures, the registration management authority shall notify the applicant of the mining right to revise or supplement within a time limit.

If the registration is approved, the mining right applicant shall, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification, pay the mining right royalties in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of these Measures, and pay the state-funded exploration and formation fees in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of these Measures. The mining right price, go through the registration procedures, obtain the mining license, and become the mining right holder.

Article 9 The state implements a system of paid mining rights. The royalties for mining rights shall be paid year by year according to the area of ​​the mining area, and the standard is 1,000 yuan per square kilometer per year.

Article 10 If an application is made for the mining right of the state-funded exploration and the mining land has been discovered, the applicant for the mining right shall pay the mining right use fee in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of these Measures, and shall also pay the mining rights formed by the state-funded exploration. The price of mining rights can be paid at one time or in installments in accordance with relevant state regulations.

The price of the mining rights formed by the state-funded exploration shall be evaluated by an evaluation agency with mining rights evaluation qualifications; the evaluation report shall be submitted to the registration management agency for the record.

Regulations on Mine Geological Environmental Protection (Amended on July 24, 2019)

Article 18 The holder of the mining right shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, deposit a deposit for the restoration of the geological environment of the mine.

The deposit standard and deposit method of the deposit for the restoration of mine geological environment shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. The deposit amount of the deposit for the restoration of the mine geological environment shall not be less than the cost required for the restoration of the mine geological environment.

The deposit for mine geological environment management and restoration follows the principles of enterprise ownership, government supervision, storage in special accounts, and special funds.

Interim Measures for the Administration of the Collection and Administration of the Income from the Assignment of Mining Rights (June 29, 2017)

Article 7 Where mining rights are assigned through competitive methods such as bidding, auction, and listing, the proceeds from the assignment of mining rights shall be determined according to the results of bidding, auction, and listing.

Article 8 If the mining rights are assigned by agreement, the income from the assignment of the mining rights shall be determined according to the appraised value and the market benchmark price.

Article 10 In principle, the proceeds from the assignment of mining rights shall be collected in the form of the amount of assignment. For mining rights with large resource reserves, long mine service years, and high market risks, it can be explored to collect mining rights in the form of yields. The specific form of expropriation is selected by the mining right granting authority based on factors such as resource endowment, exploration and development conditions, and macro-control requirements.

Article 18 The mining right holder shall pay off the proceeds from the assignment of the mining right before canceling the mining license after mining. If the mining license is cancelled due to national policy adjustments, major natural disasters, bankruptcy liquidation, etc., the proceeds from the assignment of mining rights shall be verified according to the actual resource reserves used by the mining rights, and more refunds and less compensation shall be implemented.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and other ten departments "Notice on Further Strengthening the Supervision and Management of Development and Construction Activities Involving Nature Reserves" (May 6, 2015)

四、Resolutely rectify all kinds of illegal development and construction activities

Relevant local departments shall, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, conduct special rectifications on illegal development and construction activities found in inspections. It is prohibited to carry out mining, reclamation, sand dredging, quarrying and other activities that are prohibited by law in nature reserves, and activities such as water (wind) power development, real estate, tourism development, etc. illegally carried out in the core area and buffer zone must be carried out immediately. Shut down or shut down, demolish within a time limit, and implement ecological restoration. … The commercial exploration rights, mining rights and water intake rights that have been established in the nature reserves shall be withdrawn within a time limit; the legal exploration rights, mining rights and water intake rights that existed before the establishment of the nature reserves, as well as the various rights after the establishment of the nature reserves shall be withdrawn For the exploration rights, mining rights and water intake rights that have been established with complete procedures and have been approved by the competent authority of the protected area, differentiated compensation and withdrawal plans shall be proposed by classification. Exit the core area and buffer zone of nature reserves according to law.